
This page lists all my live, under development and upcoming projects.

Live Projects

  • Self IP Lookup – A faster way to know your IP address (IPv4). Visit to know your IP address quickly. There is nothing except your IP address on the web page. No text, no images, no links, no ads, nothing except your IP address. Just press Crtl+A and Ctrl+C (on Windows) and your IP address will be copied. So you can use it anywhere quickly. If you find this useful, bookmark it for quick and easy access. Also, you can remember the domain name and type it in when needed, if you prefer that.
  • Where to buy online in India? is a community driven Q&A website, which is focused on online shopping in India.

N.B. All live projects are also considered as under development. That means I may make them better in the future.

Social Coding

My open source contributions.

  • galleria – I forked galleria project of aino hosted at github, created a new function for getting favorite photos of a user for the flickr plugin, and opened a pull request. You can see my fork at github.


I did not feel like continuing the following projects.