My Horoscope and About me

I just checked my birth horoscope at Ganesh Speaks website. I don’t blindly believe in horoscope. I believe your did will change your horoscope. And the prediction is quite good. I think I should put those while writing ‘about me’ next time.

You stamp your personality on events, says Ganesha. You hold centre-stage and have an imposing, arresting and authoritative presence. You could be a most highly inspiring leader, smiles Ganesha. You have a regal bearing, with a high level of self-confidence and like to be in the limelight. Your forthrightness, integrity and childlike honesty would endear you to everyone. Being highly courageous you could achieve greater success if you take people into confidence and consider their viewpoints too, before embarking on a course of action, advises Ganesha. You are highly enthusiastic which could be contagious. You possess a sunny bright, cheerful, positive and optimistic disposition. You are dramatic in your ways and have lofty motives and ideals. At times, you must sit back and relax and let others have a share of the limelight, too. Ganesha is proud that you are thoroughbred professionals!

I have to just replace ‘you’ with ‘I’. And it’ll be good ‘About me’. Do you hesitate to write about me? Do you write something like “I will tell u another day…..ok !” or “i m a kool guy.i like making new frnds.” or “I am very friendly in nature.” or “Aapni badai khud karna theek nahi … :)” or “need to ask my friends…khud ki tarif khud karne ki aadat nai hain….” or “Realise the dreams and strive hard to achieve it !” or “M very friendly and loving” or “cant finish ma bibliography in such a small space…he he” or “ask my friends and people. They will tell you better.” or “** Lets c what u can explore **” ……….. oh my god (let’s say OMG in Rab ne bana di jodi style) ohhhh… mmmmy… ggggoddd… I will find so many such one liner about me. This does not mean that they don’t know about themselves, if you talk to them, they may speak a lot about them, but when it comes to type, they becomes too lazy. It might be a good idea to create an applications who writes “About Me” for you. You just copy and paste that. But that applications may take much time to come. (If I am creating this, then please wait till 23 Sep, 2011, my Shani Maha Dasha ends and Budh Maha Dasha starts.). So why wait for long, take your horoscope prediction and just replace ‘You’ with ‘I’.

The above funny one liner “about me” are taken from original Orkut profiles. Want to know who are they? No, I will not tell, but you can surely search for them. Well, I have to comment on those one liners. Let me write those below.

“I will tell u another day…..ok !” – That day never will come.

“i m a kool guy.i like making new frnds.” – Everyone on Orkut is kool and all most everyone want to make new frnds, right?

“I am very friendly in nature.” – This is the most common one. Search for this and you will find plenty such results. If you found a girl who has given photo of a beautiful south Indian actor like Tammana or a beautiful unknown girl which you may find in more profile, just send a friendly friend request. You might not get accepted! And in case you are accepted, nothing to going to happen.

“Aapni badai khud karna theek nahi … :)” – Just ask her to speak up. She may never stop doing her own badai. But types badai here. I will type scraps, can’t type badai “about me”. (For the people who don’t know Hindi: Badai means Praise. “Aapni badai khud karna theek nahi” means “It’s not good to praise yourself”.

“need to ask my friends…khud ki tarif khud karne ki aadat nai hain….” – You know that writing “About me” is “Khud ki tarif”. But you think you should as your friends to do your tarif. (For the people who don’t know Hindi: Tarif, Badai are similar words, means Praise)

“M very friendly and loving” – A new flavor of the most common one liner.

“cant finish ma bibliography in such a small space…he he” – You can’t type 100 characters, but say 2048 (even more) characters are less for you to type about you. Stop showing your tooth now! Another variant “Hmmmm where do I start …..there’s so much to know & so little space to write”

“ask my friends and people. They will tell you better.” – Yes, I will ask your friends and they will tell to communicate me be my friend first, to be my friend know me first and to know me ask my friends! This chain is never going to stop like the spam emails from Thirupathi.

“** Lets c what u can explore **” – I may explore your scraps, albums, but those are protected. To explore those I need to be your friend. And I need to know before explore you. Don’t worry no one can explore you.

“my friends know me ….” – My friends even know me. The person who is reading this, her/his friends also know her/him.

And some more one liners “About Me”, on which I can’t comment (don’t have patience now):
“simple but highly ambitious” “a mystery…. even to myself” “let u know… once i find myself….” “am coooooolllll” “I believe in simple living n high thinking……….!” “Not interested in adding strangers.So if u dont know me,dont send me friend request plz.” “its secret……” ………………………………. there are too much. If you want to add some comment below.

Image credit: Fickr – CayetanoBath Museum





2 responses to “My Horoscope and About me”

  1. debasish Avatar

    hah …. debiprasad takes on Orkut lusers [looser users] 😉

  2. Janmejay Pati Avatar
    Janmejay Pati

    kya baat hai.. Superb!!! 🙂

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