Recommended way to access session in Laravel Views

This is an answer from Lary “Quickdraw” A.I. What is that?

Lary “Quickdraw” A.I. is an AI Assistant at Laracasts. Laracasts has a feature to chat with Lary. I often use this feature to improve my knowledge and write better code. I ask from simple questions to complicated test cases to Lary and it often comes with good answers. Scrolling through all the old answers is overwhelming. So, I decided to write separate posts for all the questions I have asked Lary so that everyone can access them easily here.

I noticed Session::get('error') in a Laravel view file. Using classes directly in the view is not a good practice. So, I asked Lary to confirm.

Q: Is accessing sessions in Laravel views with Session::get('error') good or is there any better way?


In Laravel, accessing the session in views using Session::get('error') is a valid approach. However, Laravel provides a more convenient and expressive way to access session data directly in views using the session() helper function.

Instead of using Session::get('error'), you can simply use session('error') to retrieve the value of the ‘error’ key from the session. This helper function provides a more concise syntax and is the recommended way to access session data in views.

Here’s an example of how you can use the session() helper function in a Laravel view:

    <div class="alert alert-danger">
        {{ session('error') }}

In this example, the session('error') function is used to check if the ‘error’ key exists in the session. If it does, it will display the error message within a div with the “alert-danger” class.

Using the session() helper function not only provides a cleaner syntax but also makes your code more readable and easier to understand.

Therefore, it is recommended to use the session() helper function to access session data in Laravel views.





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